Supplier Declaration (code of conduct)

Selvaag Bolig ASA is committed to operating in a manner of business guided by a series of systems and processes with the goal to promote sound business practices and manage any adverse impacts to human rights, labour rights, and the environment. Our Suppliers are seen as an extension of our business. Accordingly, the Supplier Declaration (“the Declaration”) establishes the principles by which any Suppliers of Selvaag Bolig ASA, or any of Selvaag Bolig ASA’s subsidiaries, are required to operate.

Suppliers are required to operate in adherence to this Declaration and are accountable for ensuring that their subsidiaries, associated companies, and subcontractors are accordingly informed of and comply with the Declaration. Suppliers maintain an independent responsibility to ensure their own business relationships also have processes in place to manage adverse impacts.

The Supplier is expected to behave with honesty and integrity. Selvaag Bolig recognizes that reaching the standards mentioned in this Declaration is a dynamic process and encourages all Suppliers to commit to the continued evaluation and improvement of their standards in these areas.

Business practi

Compliance with laws and regulations
The Supplier is expected to follow all applicable local and international laws and regulations. Where there is conflict between such regulations and this Declaration, the higher standard is to be followed in a manner consistent with applicable laws.

The Supplier shall promote equality amongst its employees and in its practices, actively prohibiting discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, language, religion or belief, political opinion, minority status, disability, age, sexual orientation, or any other basis. Suppliers should actively be working to foster a diverse, safe, and inclusive workspace.

Selvaag Bolig does not tolerate any form of corruption. Accordingly, Suppliers should establish processes to counter corruption in line with the UN Convention Against Corruption. Suppliers are expected to contribute to fair competition and oppose the formation of monopolies or cartels. Selvaag Bolig is opposed to all forms of money laundering.The Supplier must pay special attention to the inappropriate use of gifts, services or other benefits in a way that could be seen as influencing the business relationship or decision-making processes between the Supplier and Selvaag Bolig.

Wages and employment
The Supplier is expected to adhere to the legal standard on minimum wages in any geography they operate in and ensure that work hours are not overly burdensome or excessive. Where the legal minimum wage is noted to be inadequate compared to standard costs of living, the Supplier should seek to pay above minimum wage. All employees, including temporary employees, should be provided with legally sound employment contracts in a language of their understanding. Efforts should be made to ensure that working hours are not excessive. When utilising a recruitment agency, recruitment fees in no way should be passed onto new employees and are the sole responsibility of the Supplier.

Privacy and data protection
The Supplier is expected to ensure the responsible handling of personal data and sensitive information in compliance with applicable privacy laws. This includes sensitive, confidential, or proprietary information related to Selvaag Bolig provided via the working relationship.

Human rights and working conditions

Human rights
As an extension of Selvaag Bolig’s own commitment to human rights, it is expected that all Selvaag Bolig’s business partners and Suppliers respect internationally recognized human rights in their operations and actively avoid being complicit in human rights abuses. The Supplier’s approach towards human rights should be in a manner consistent with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

Human rights expectations levied on the Supplier include cooperation with Selvaag Bolig’s human rights due diligence Supplier assessments at the onset of a new Supplier relationship, as well as providing continued periodic human rights due diligence information to Selvaag Bolig when requested.

Suppliers should have a publicly available human rights policy guided by international human rights principles that is approved by senior management.

Prohibition of forced and child labour
Selvaag Bolig maintains a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to the use of forced, compulsory, or child labour.

The Supplier shall adhere to internationally recognized labour standards as set forth in the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) core conventions. Suppliers should ensure that protections are in place to protect against forced labour, including human trafficking, and ensure that all workers are free to leave their employment at will.

The Supplier is prohibited from the use of child labour in any of its operations. If child labour is discovered, the Supplier is responsible for immediate action to address and remedy the situation.

Freedom of association and right to collective bargaining
Selvaag Bolig supports our employees’ right to form and join trade unions and to be represented in collective bargaining agreements. Likewise, our Suppliers should strive to openly collaborate with relevant trade union and employee groups and foster an environment that is supportive of such groups.Where freedom of association and collective bargaining are restricted under local laws and regulations, the Supplier should nonetheless seek to provide its employees with other opportunities to influence their working situation.

Although Selvaag Bolig does not prohibit the use of sub-contractors, they should not be used to artificially reduce costs through cheap, indirect labour.

All sub-contractors must be evaluated for their performance in human rights, working conditions, and health and safety. The Supplier must conduct subsequent checks to ensure Selvaag Bolig’s expectations are being met and maintain the right to terminate the relationship should expectations fail to be met.

Any known or expected violations of the law or this Declaration may be reported directly to Selvaag Bolig's legal department or through the use of an anonymous, third-party-managed internet form found here (

Health and safety

Health and safety
The Supplier shall actively seek to maintain a healthy and safe working environment in accordance with industry standards, local, and international law. The Supplier is expected to maintain workplace guidelines based on relevant ISO standards for health, safety, and the environment.

Environment and climate

Environmental awareness
It is expected that Suppliers be fully aware of the environmental impact of their work and make maximum use of environment-friendly solutions where possible. Suppliers should be committed to operating in an environmentally friendly manner, including the measuring and reporting of their environmental impact. Compliance should be measurable and transparently communicated.


By signing this document, we acknowledge and confirm our commitment to Selvaag Bolig’s Supplier Declaration as stated above. We agree that Selvaag Bolig may conduct audits of our practices to assure compliance with these requirements. Any incompliance with the principles set out in the Supplier Declaration will be rectified without delay.

Breach of the Supplier Declaration may result in actions against the Supplier in relation to the seriousness of the offense. This may include formal warnings, requests for information, or in serious circumstances, the immediate termination of the contract.